Armie Hammer

Lili’s Pick: Wounds

Lanie’s Pick: The Man from U.N.C.L.E.

written pre-abuse and cannibalism allegations*

I’ll preface this blog by saying that our mutual love for Armie Hammer is partnered with an equal distaste for the fact that everything seems to have come too easily to him. He’s the exact kind of waspy, privileged white bro that both my sister and I have come to despise, and apparently has cannibalistic sexual tendencies… so why can’t we quit him? For me, it’s his performance in Call Me By Your Name, and the expert way he (with the help of Timothee Chalamet) was able to deliver such a visceral, emotional performance. For my sister, it’s The Man From U.N.C.L.E., and the palpable sexiness that he and Henry Cavill bring to an already entertaining story. Because of this, we revisited The Man From U.N.C.L.E. and decided to try our luck with his then newest film, Babak Anvari’s Wounds. Guy Ritchie’s fashionable cat-and-mouse game of a film was still exciting, and that dance scene with Alicia Vikander and Armie is still electrically-charged. Wounds, on the other hand, well, you can read my scathing review here.


90s Slashers

